Wednesday, October 30, 2019

How Far Should Pornography Be Regulated in the 21st Century Essay - 1

How Far Should Pornography Be Regulated in the 21st Century - Essay Example FÐ ¾r exÐ °mple, MÐ °rshÐ °ll Ð °nd BÐ °rbÐ °ree (1984) stÐ °ted thÐ °t "there hÐ °ve been drÐ °mÐ °tic increÐ °ses in the Ð °mÐ ¾unt Ð ¾f viÐ ¾lent sex in bÐ ¾th sÐ ¾ft cÐ ¾re . . . Ð °nd hÐ °rd cÐ ¾re pÐ ¾rnÐ ¾grÐ °phy. . . Ð °vÐ °ilÐ °ble in Western sÐ ¾cieties". BÐ °rry (1979) stÐ °ted, "The mÐ ¾st prevÐ °lent theme in pÐ ¾rnÐ ¾grÐ °phy is Ð ¾ne Ð ¾f utter cÐ ¾ntempt fÐ ¾r wÐ ¾men . . . (whÐ ¾) Ð °re rÐ °ped, ejÐ °culÐ °ted Ð ¾n, urinÐ °ted Ð ¾n, Ð °nÐ °lly penetrÐ °ted, beÐ °ten, Ð °nd, with the Ð °dvent Ð ¾f snuff films, murdered in Ð °n Ð ¾rgy Ð ¾f pleÐ °sure". Russell Ð °nd Lederer (1980) Ð °lleged thÐ °t  «pÐ ¾rnÐ ¾grÐ °phy usuÐ °lly cÐ ¾mbines sÐ ¾me sÐ ¾rt Ð ¾f viÐ ¾lence with sex ». DwÐ ¾rkin (1981) in describing pÐ ¾rnÐ ¾grÐ °phy stÐ °ted, "reÐ °l wÐ ¾men Ð °re tied up, stretched, hÐ °nged, fucked, gÐ °ng-bÐ °nged, whipped, beÐ °ten, Ð °nd begging fÐ ¾r mÐ ¾re". SimilÐ °rly, Grif fin (1981) described pÐ ¾rnÐ ¾grÐ °phy Ð °s "usuÐ °lly Ð ° wÐ ¾mÐ °n, sÐ ¾metimes Ð ° mÐ °n, Ð ¾ften Ð ° child, is Ð °bducted by fÐ ¾rce, verbÐ °lly Ð °bused, beÐ °ten, bÐ ¾und hÐ °nd Ð °nd fÐ ¾Ã ¾t Ð °nd gÐ °gged, Ð ¾ften tÐ ¾rtured, Ð ¾ften hung, his Ð ¾r her bÐ ¾dy suspended, wÐ ¾unded, Ð °nd then murdered". Ð °ll these clÐ °ims Ð °s fÐ ¾r pÐ ¾rnÐ ¾grÐ °phy Ð °nd its negÐ °tive impÐ °ct Ð ¾n sÐ ¾ciety hÐ °s evÐ ¾ked cÐ ¾ntrÐ ¾versiÐ °l Ð °pprÐ ¾Ã °ch tÐ ¾ the regulÐ °tiÐ ¾n Ð ¾f pÐ ¾rnÐ ¾grÐ °phy Ð °nd subsequent viÐ ¾lence in 21st century. FrÐ ¾m Ð ¾ne side the demÐ ¾crÐ °tic system is believed tÐ ¾ hÐ °ve freedÐ ¾m in mÐ °ss mediÐ ° Ð °nd thus expÐ °nd different kinds Ð ¾f infÐ ¾rmÐ °tiÐ ¾n, frÐ ¾m Ð °nÐ ¾ther side the Ð ¾bscentity by which the wÐ ¾rld hÐ °s been filled with respect tÐ ¾ pÐ ¾rnÐ ¾grÐ °phy mÐ °kes it impÐ ¾rtÐ °nt tÐ ¾ regulÐ °te Ð °nd cÐ ¾ntrÐ ¾l the infÐ ¾rmÐ °tiÐ ¾n Ð °vÐ °ilÐ °ble fÐ ¾r the peÐ ¾ple Ð ¾f different Ð °ges. The pÐ ¾rnÐ ¾grÐ °phy cÐ ¾ntrÐ ¾versy is Ð ° cÐ ¾mplex Ð ¾ne, spÐ °nning persÐ ¾nÐ °l, technicÐ °l Ð °nd public Ð °rgument (see GÐ ¾Ã ¾dnight) Ð °s it invÐ ¾kes sÐ ¾ciÐ °l, mÐ ¾rÐ °l, legÐ °l, Ð °nd ethicÐ °l clÐ °ims. It Ð °lsÐ ¾ rÐ °ises interesting theÐ ¾reticÐ °l questiÐ ¾ns  Ã °bÐ ¾ut the wÐ °y persÐ ¾nÐ °l testimÐ ¾ny Ð ¾perÐ °tes in public Ð °rgument. PriÐ ¾r tÐ ¾ Ð °ll Ð ¾f these cÐ ¾nsiderÐ °tiÐ ¾ns, hÐ ¾wever, is hÐ ¾w the cÐ ¾ntrÐ ¾versy is distinguished by the primÐ °ry rÐ ¾le plÐ °yed by definitiÐ ¾nÐ °l Ð °rgument.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Raina Petkoff and her Cover-up Essay Example for Free

Raina Petkoff and her Cover-up Essay Bernard Shaws works make us doubt principles and ideals, which we accepted without a question. The economic status of the Petkoffs is one of wealth, and the fact that they are rich makes us think of a well-mannered and educated family, especially the young girl. The young girl should give us a sense of nobility and in fact she does in this story. The young girl in Arms and the Man gives us the impression that she is an ideal daughter, lover and citizen. But is she really? This girl tries to portray this stereotypical personality but proves not to be quite the noble girl she plays. At a certain point she sees herself in a very compromising position and is forced to change. As the play begins and we start getting to know this girl, Raina Petkoff we start noticing that she is a bit vain. The stage directions go as follows: On the balcony a young lady, intensely conscious of the romantic beauty of the night, and of the fact that her own youth and beauty are part of it (1561). This excerpt takes away some of the innocence she portrays in a subtle way. The next deception comes when the Swiss enters through the window; instead of screaming for help she decides to help him hide. She even lies to the Bulgarian officer who is looking for the Swiss, betraying her own country. Raina and the Swiss get to know each other a little, and with his experience he can see right through her. He instantly discovered the superficial coating over a very rough interior. The mother, Catherine, proves to be the same when she abandons her patriotism and loyalty and helps the Serb officer to hide and even escape the next morning. Like father, like son they say. But the biggest surprise comes when the Swiss or Serbian officer or Bluntschli blows Rainas cover. Raina is outraged or pretends to be when Bluntschli throws the truth at her face. He calls her a liar and insists on it. She gets furious at first, but gives in when she realizes shes got no way out. Her reaction is: I! I!!!How did you find me out? (1591). And here she confesses that the noble attitude and the thrilling voice is just a cover-up. This is Rainas turning point. We could say that at this point she went from being a girl to being a woman; at this point she matured. Another important fact to my case is the picture of herself she left in the jacket for Bluntschli to find, and the message it contained. My chocolate cream soldier (1603) is the name Raina gives Bluntschli in the dedication of the picture. This title given to Bluntschli suggests some type of affection that at this point is obvious but if the audience had learned of it as it happened chronologically it would be very shocking. After the turning point described above, Raina becomes a more outgoing and sincere person. She describes her own cover-up personality as a noble attitude and thrilling voice (1591) to Bluntschli. Raina also says Bluntschli is the first person that didnt take her fake personality seriously. She confesses to the point that she mocks the people who believe her noble self by saying: I did it when I was a child to my nurse. She believed in it. I do it before my parents. They believe in it. I do it before Sergius. He believes in it (1591). That incident of calling her a liar made Raina mature. It was a turning point in the life of this character and in the plot of Arms and the Man. Bernard Shaw uses his comedies to criticize many ideals by mocking them. In the case of Arms and the Man he takes the nobility of a wealthy, respected family and destroys it by mocking many of its aspects. In this essay I analyze how Shaw takes the view of innocence of a young, noble, rich girl and changes it to make it crude reality, he makes the Petkoffs look like common people with very little nobility. Works Cited Shaw, George Bernard. Arms and the Man. Literature: Reading Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and the Essay. Ed. Robert DiYanni. 5th Ed. New York: McGraw, 2002. 1561-1604.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Comparing Black Boy and Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay -- comparis

Black Boy and Their Eyes Were Watching God      Ã‚   After World War I, Harlem became known for the sudden emergence of literature, theater and music attributed to the migration of African Americans from the South and other cities. Both Zora Neal Hurston and Richard Wright emerged as writers this time, this, however, should not be the sole basis for comparison of their writing as writers themselves. Both Wright and Hurston had different agendas as writers and it is not as important to note their upbringing and backgrounds, but their audiences and the reason that drove them to write.    Zora Neal Hurston was born in Eatonville, Florida, an all black community in 1891. She is known mainly for her novels, but she was also an anthropologist and folklorist. She studied under Franz Boas while at Barnared College and conducted fieldwork in Harlem. This is important because it held her to systematically collect and study the legends, myths and dialect of her informants. Boas stressed that no culture is superior to another and cultures should be studied equally. Hurston was criticized for using dialect, being a "sensual" writer and writing for the mainstream (white) society. Her writing was unlike Wright's, whom Henry Louis Gates, Jr. calls "Hurston's dominant black male contemporary and rival" (188).    Richard Wright was born in 1908 in Mississippi and describes his childhood an autobiographical novel he published in 1945, Black Boy. Wright grew up in the racially charged South and sought to quench the physical hunger he has felt since his father abandoned the family and the spiritual hunger that he was unable to find even though his grandmother was very religious. This hunger, whether tangible or not, led him on a journey... ...cs such as goodness, humility, love, or kindness. His writing can be interpreted as a call to arms at a time when he felt Blacks were apathetic to the problems facing Blacks. The wide scope of these two writers shows how labels are used to categorize people, thus creating a stereotype.    Works Cited Gates,Henry Louis Jr. Afterward. "Zora Neale Hurston: 'A Negro Way of Saying.'" Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston. 1990 ed. Hurston, Zora Neale. Their Eyes Were Watching God. New York: Perennial Library, 1990 ed. Walker, Alice. "In Search of Zora Neale Hurston." Ms. (March 1975): 74-79, 85-89. Ward, Jerry W. Jr. Introduction. Black Boy. 1998 ed. Washington, Mary Helen. Foreword. Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston. 1990 ed. Wright, Richard. Black Boy (American Hunger): A Record of Childhood and Youth. 1998 ed. Comparing Black Boy and Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay -- comparis Black Boy and Their Eyes Were Watching God      Ã‚   After World War I, Harlem became known for the sudden emergence of literature, theater and music attributed to the migration of African Americans from the South and other cities. Both Zora Neal Hurston and Richard Wright emerged as writers this time, this, however, should not be the sole basis for comparison of their writing as writers themselves. Both Wright and Hurston had different agendas as writers and it is not as important to note their upbringing and backgrounds, but their audiences and the reason that drove them to write.    Zora Neal Hurston was born in Eatonville, Florida, an all black community in 1891. She is known mainly for her novels, but she was also an anthropologist and folklorist. She studied under Franz Boas while at Barnared College and conducted fieldwork in Harlem. This is important because it held her to systematically collect and study the legends, myths and dialect of her informants. Boas stressed that no culture is superior to another and cultures should be studied equally. Hurston was criticized for using dialect, being a "sensual" writer and writing for the mainstream (white) society. Her writing was unlike Wright's, whom Henry Louis Gates, Jr. calls "Hurston's dominant black male contemporary and rival" (188).    Richard Wright was born in 1908 in Mississippi and describes his childhood an autobiographical novel he published in 1945, Black Boy. Wright grew up in the racially charged South and sought to quench the physical hunger he has felt since his father abandoned the family and the spiritual hunger that he was unable to find even though his grandmother was very religious. This hunger, whether tangible or not, led him on a journey... ...cs such as goodness, humility, love, or kindness. His writing can be interpreted as a call to arms at a time when he felt Blacks were apathetic to the problems facing Blacks. The wide scope of these two writers shows how labels are used to categorize people, thus creating a stereotype.    Works Cited Gates,Henry Louis Jr. Afterward. "Zora Neale Hurston: 'A Negro Way of Saying.'" Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston. 1990 ed. Hurston, Zora Neale. Their Eyes Were Watching God. New York: Perennial Library, 1990 ed. Walker, Alice. "In Search of Zora Neale Hurston." Ms. (March 1975): 74-79, 85-89. Ward, Jerry W. Jr. Introduction. Black Boy. 1998 ed. Washington, Mary Helen. Foreword. Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston. 1990 ed. Wright, Richard. Black Boy (American Hunger): A Record of Childhood and Youth. 1998 ed.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Invisible Black Cowboys :: American America History

The Invisible Black Cowboys For many Americans, the image of the cowboy evokes pleasant nostalgia of a time gone by, when cowboys roamed free. The Cowboy is, to many Americans, the ideal American, who was quick to the draw, well skilled in his profession, and yet minded his own business. Regardless of whether the mental picture that the word cowboy evokes is a correct or incorrect view of the vocation, one seldom views cowboys as being black. The first cowboy I met was from Texas and was black. After he told me that he was a cowboy, I told him that he had to be kidding. Unfortunately, I was not totally to blame for my inability to recognize that color has nothing to do with the cowboy profession; most if not all popular famous images of cowboys are white. In general, even today, blacks are excluded from the popular depiction of famous Westerners. Black cowboys were unheard of for almost a century after they made their mark on the cattle herding trade, not because they were insignificant, but because history fel l victim to prejudice, and forgot peoples of color in popular depictions of the West and Western history. Black Americans were in the West with Lewis and Clark, but this was never seen or published until the 19th century (Ravage 26). California was the section of the west that most blacks settled in before the Civil War. The largest concentration of blacks in the state was in Sacramento County, mainly because of the gold rush. Blacks would ride trade ships to the west coast and then desert, if they were slaves, or leave the ship, if they were free men, to settle there (Savage 12). Examples of early black settlers were two ex-slaves named Bob and Kanaska who came to San Diego in 1816 on the schooner Albatross. Thomas Fisher came to California around 1818 but was captured by pirates in Monterey that year. Another Fisher came to California in 1846 while serving on a whaling ship (Savage 13) Though present from the initial discovery of the West, blacks entered the West in earnest after 1850. Between 1850 and 1910, thousands of African Americans, lured by the promise of land, opportunity, and most importantly, racial justice migrated to the trans-Mississippi West (African Americans). This great migration occurred shortly after the civil war, as thousands of blacks moved West because they were unwanted in the North or South (Dick 30).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Quality Indicators Relevant to Early Childhood Education

There are various significant practices which promote health and safety in early childhood centres to take in to account. This essay focuses on nutrition across the early years, providing a safe environment and identifying and responding to childhood illness and how teachers can encourage and promote these practices to the children. Auckland Regional Public Health Service (2008) states that during early childhood, children form lifelong eating habits, therefore it is important to have a focus on nutrition across the early years in order to foster a healthy eating culture and enable children to develop healthy behaviours in relation to food.A teacher has an important role in helping children develop these behaviours and can promote healthy eating and healthy food choices in a number of ways. Teachers can promote good nutrition by including children in the cooking process or growing fruits and vegetables within the centre environment. These experiences provide ample opportunities for t he discussion of nutrition and what is healthy and unhealthy. The Licensing Criteria for Early Childhood Education and Care Centres (Ministry of Education [MoE], 2008) asserts that children must be served food at appropriate times and that it is to meet the nutritional needs of each child.It explains that all food provided during the hours a service is open must be recorded. These records must show the type of food provided and be kept for three months after the serving date. Promoting food safety to the children is also an important aspect of nutrition, this includes role modelling the careful storage of food, hygienic preparation and use of tongs when serving food. Providing a safe environment gives children a better place to play and allows them the freedom to explore their environment without the risk of injury.MoE (2008) declares that ample and changeable indoor and outdoor equipment, resources and furniture must be provided for the children and that it also needs to be appropr iate for the varying abilities of the children using it. Teachers are able to promote a safe environment by encouraging children to play safely. This includes sharing, gentle hands, walking feet, sun safety and water safety. The MoE (2008) is aware an area cannot be completely hazard free so requires a â€Å"hazard identification and management system† and uggests that all realistic steps are taken to minimise risks, be this by redirecting the children or limiting their access to areas where hazards may be. Another important way teachers can promote a safe environment is through active supervision and setting up engaging and appropriate activities for the children to be involved with. One of the most significant practices in promoting health, wellbeing and a safe environment is being able to identify and respond to childhood illness. Teachers need to be able to recognise the signs and symptoms of illness and be able to administer the appropriate first aid.The MoE (2008) decla res that children who become poorly while at a service must be kept at a safe distance away from the other children in order to reduce the risk of contamination and the spread of illness. It is the teachers’ responsibility that this happens to protect not only the children but the teachers and whanau too. Healthy Messages (Ministry of Education, 1997) suggests that early childhood centres develop and change policies so that they promote a safe and healthy environment and that these policies are a good way to introduce children to healthy messages.For example, how to avoid the spread of infectious illness through personal hygiene procedures, washing of soiled children procedures and hygienic laundering and cleaning procedures. As discussed above, encouraging healthy eating and good nutrition, providing a safe environment and recognising and responding to childhood illnesses are all important practices to foster. Teachers have an important role in promoting these practices and by effectively performing them, they will be promoting good health and safety in an early childhood setting.Reference List: Auckland Regional Public Health Service. (2008). Food For Under 5's: A practical guide to food and nutrition for early childhood education services. Retrieved 17th August 2012, from http://www. arphs. govt. nz/Portals/0/Health%20Information/HealthyEnvironments/Early%20childhood%20education%20centres/ECEC%20Food%20for%20under%205s/Food%20for%20under%205s%202008/Food%20For%20Under%205's%20ECE%20resource%20Final%20Jun e%202008-1. pdf Ministry of Education. (2008).Licensing Criteria for Early Childhood Education and Care Centres 2008 And Early Childhood Education Curriculum Framework. Wellington: New Zealand Government. Retrieved 17th August 2012, from http://www. lead. ece. govt. nz/ServiceTypes/CentreBasedECEServices. aspx Ministry of Health. (1997). Nga kupu oranga: Healthy messages. Wellington: Ministry of Health. Republished on the web:  Ã‚   November 2003. Retrieved 25th August 2012, from http://www. arphs. govt. nz/Portals/0/Health%20Information/HealthyEnvironments/Early%20childhood%20education%20centres/Nga%20Kupu%20Oranga%20HealthyMessages. pdf

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Aspects of War essays

Aspects of War essays War in almost every aspect has more similarities than differences. Although, there are many differences, war is war. War is inhumane, killing people for reasons unknown to many or even for no real reason at all. War is glorified and it should not be. There are many down sides to war, many horrible scenes that some people have to remember for the rest of their life. Many people who survive war leave with horrible memories; many people do not even survive. In war, many people are degraded, and have to live and travel in harsh inhumane conditions. In the book Slaughterhouse Five when the war was coming to an end and everything was bombed, the POWs had to clean up the bodies of the humans killed. They had to dig holes and tunnels to excavate people who were trapped and died. In Schindlers List, there was much of the same thing going on. Although there were no bombings, the prisoners of the concentration camps had to dig up bodies. They had to dig up bodies of people who the SS officers killed. The prisoners had to take these bodies and dump them in fiery heaps to burn. During the movie Schindlers List, everyone was able to see the degrading conditions the Jews had to endure at the concentration camps. When the Jews had to go though selection, they had to run, naked passed the SS officers and the doctors in order to decide if they were healthy enough to work. If they were not healthy enough to work, they would meet their death at the crematories. The book Night describes the inhumane and degrading conditions in much more detail than the movie Schindlers List. While reading the book, one is able to visualize with detail the degrading conditions the prisoners had to go though. The SS officers told Elie and the other prisoners to run quickly and not to be scared, but as Elie put it, it was nearly impossible not to be scared. One could feel Elies fear durin...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Definition of the N Word Essay Example

The Definition of the N Word Essay Example The Definition of the N Word Essay The Definition of the N Word Essay A word everyone is afraid to define except in utter seriousness, for fear of being branded racist, in total ignorance of the everyday usage of the word, it’s portrayal in popular culture, and the populations of the people it is used by. The definition of this word can be determined by the context and the quantifiers that are used before and after it. It is a word that can have a derogatory meaning or a complimentary meaning. It can be defined as a black person, a slave, or offensive slang. It can also be defined as a brother, a friend, or cousin, if it is being used in a playful way. This word is also referred to as the â€Å"N† word. One can’t explain the guilt felt when even just typing the word Nigger. Although many African Americans support the use of the word nigger in certain circumstances, the mass majority of African Americans who lived in the times where whites used the word in order to degrade African Americans would passionately believe that the word nigger should be eliminated from all forms of language. Consequently, people should never use the word nigger because not only does represent shamefulness, but also the word can serve as a double standard when non-blacks say it. Before the post-Civil Rights era, whites would frequently use the word nigger to social degrade and humiliate blacks. During this time, southern whites would commonly use the word nigger instead of Negro in order to represent superiority over the blacks. This was especially common for slave owners to refer to their slaves as niggers in order to both debase the slaves below human beings and to show ownership over their lives. Even though racist slave owners and other whites called blacks niggers during slave times, southern whites also referred to blacks as niggers throughout more than half of 20th Century. Where did the word nigger originate? Honestly, the whereabouts of the birthplace of the word nigger is still being debated. The immersion of the word however will never be forgotten. It would seem that nigger would come to be a derogatory nickname for African Americans. There has never, since the creation of the word nigger, been such a word that has had such an extensive impact. However, over the course of time, the nigger has evolved in pronunciation, usage, and meaning. Nigger is frequently traced to the Latin word niger, meaning black. The appearance of the word, at first, had no negative intentions. By the early 1800s it was established as a derogatory nickname. Ironically the area it was first used in this context in America, during slavery. Whether spoken, written, or shown in the media, reflect on the mass network of the anti-black prejudice. Nigger carried with it the anger, hatred, and disgust with it. It was used as noun, verb, and adjective to enforce the stereotype of Blacks being ignorant, lazy, dirty, and worthless. Nigger was used to strengthen words such as: Niggerish, Nigger-flicker, Nigger rich, and many, many more. The ladder of power suggested that the intimidation, deceit, and exploitation of blacks, was to help keep them in their place. From ministers to scientist the desire to prove that whites were superior to blacks was, in every way, socially acceptable. Of course with no choice but to take the demeaning abuse, blacks endured the ridicule. Even though the word nigger can represent a friendship between two blacks, there is definitely no need for the word ever to be used because if a white guy ever said whats up nigger spontaneously to one of his black friends, then out of instinct the black guy would receive a derogatory connotation because it was a white guy using the word. Now, how is it not a double standard if a black person can say the word nigger to another black person and the situation is normal, however if a white person refers to a black person as nigger than all hell breaks loose? If black people argue that this double standard is ok, then for example if it was socially acceptable for white people to refer to other white people as crackers but socially unacceptable for black people to refer to white people as crackers. Civil rights organizations like the N. A. A. C. P. ould consider this racist of whites and file lawsuits for being discriminated against being allowed to refer to a white person as a cracker. The use of the word nigger is forbidden on television and almost all forms of public television because nigger is considered to be a racial slur, however, the word cracker which is racial slur against whites is completely acceptable on all forms of public entertainment. Overall, whether the word nigger is used a friendly situation or with intent to degrade another black person, the word always carries a socially inappropriate connotation and should never be used. Those blacks that argue that the word is acceptable under special circumstances when blacks use it amongst other blacks tend to be of youthful age and are completely naive and ignorant to the history and true definition of the word. To even consider referring to another human being of a different race as being worthless and less of a human being than myself is not only unethical, but also completely immoral. In addition, the double standard that the word possesses is entirely inappropriate because the idea that the color of a persons skin grants him or her special permission to say certain words is just absurd.

Sunday, October 20, 2019


How Organizations Use IS/IT Automating Systems e.g. Accounting Information System Accounting Information System (AIS) is an interactive human interface that enables organizations to make decisions. Companies develop it in form of Software to help manage data. It generates/stores information helpful in making critical decisions. These decisions include strategies, goals and cost saving procedures. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on How Organizations Use IS/IT specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The design of the Software is in such a way that it accommodates each aspect of an organization that is paramount. It is possible to replicate this in Materials Planning, Enterprise Resource Planning and Human Resource Planning by use of both the Internet and Software. This makes decision-making easy (McAfee, 23). Network Security This refers to safeguarding of information contained in systems that are computerized. In the current world of E-Business, almost e very aspect of business is possible electronically. This includes acquisition of raw materials (E-Ordering), sale of goods and products (E-Transactions) and more importantly E-Payments. This means that companies need to come up with better ways to safeguard this information flow. Cyber Security is major investment are for almost all companies. Small companies are a part because they also have gone High-Tech to attract a wider market for their products. Hackers are everywhere. They attack even the most sophisticated or perceivably complex sites such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Criminal Investigation Departments of the Government. With many more people embracing web technology even in third world countries, it has become paramount to safeguard information. Companies need to update routinely their Software to make it up-to-date and capable to detect malpractice (McAfee, 23). Use of Social Networks Social networks are many. They include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, a nd Google Plus among others. The most widely used social network is face book followed closely by Twitter. These networks are crucial in public relations for both service and goods industry. Organizations use social networks for product advertising. This is possible with banners and text advertisements. Social networks make it much easier keep contacts with relevant customers around the world at very little cost.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Ease of Information Flow Information from one organization to another is easy to disseminate. This enables businesses to reduce costs associated with passing of information for crucial decision-making. This is possible with Internet, which enables businesses to teleconference, send emails and Internet faxes. This improves businesses and optimizes operations. This is also the case with the downstream and upstream sections o f the supply chain (McAfee, 23). Aiding Decision Making Decision-making is easier with tools that enable decision making e.g. decision tools using Software such as SPSS, Solvers, Excel among others. This Software is crucial in mangers everyday solutions to problems, which would otherwise have been hard to make. Everything is tailor-made towards better customer quality and cost reduction. However, there is need to come up with a firewall and proxy that allows only authorized access to sensitive information within the system. The system administrator gives certain levels of privilege to various system users who have user identities and corresponding passwords. Depending on the level of user privilege, they are able to access information that would enable them perform specific operations as well as make alterations as may be required. This firewall may also provide for extra security measures that ensure tracking of system users such that the system administrator will have a record of the various users and what their activities were especially with regard to the business’ data and information. McAfee, Arnold. Enterprise 2.0: The Dawn of Emergent Collaboration. MIT Sloan Management Review, 47.3 (2006): 21-28.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on How Organizations Use IS/IT specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Phases in the Negotiation Process, Objectives and Outcome Essay

Phases in the Negotiation Process, Objectives and Outcome - Essay Example The paper tells that communication is said to play a crucial part in determining the way that people would experience and also work during disagreement which is a job that is supposed to be quite challenging. Negotiation has been described as structures of ‘conflict management’ that include two or even more than two parties. Eventually, these parties have a disagreement of requirements based on which it is decided to negotiate by way of a ‘give and take’ procedure. This procedure would include suggestion and counter suggestions to look for an equally acceptable agreement. The process of negotiation includes expertise in few forms of skills like questioning and planning with the assistance of utilizing effectual communication that is non-verbal, assessing requirements and also by way of brainstorming. It frequently becomes essential for a particular individual to try with numerous techniques of negotiating so as to find out a combination of strategies that wo uld be best suited. An eagerness to find out the universal concern and acclimatize styles of communication forms the core part of an effectual negotiation. The process of negotiation involves few phases that are a quite significant part of the process. The initial phase is known as the pre-negotiation phase. It is important to prepare properly regarding the fundamentals of the negotiation prior to communicating them with the other parties. Preparation leads to success in case of any kind of activity and thus, is applicable for negotiation too. In this phase, it needs to be first ascertained whether there exists an acute reason in order to negotiate. Once this is ascertained, then some structure of the program needs to be set up. After this, the appropriate parties should be recognized who would be actively involved in the procedure along with their degree of responsibility and power.

Friday, October 18, 2019

MRKT discussion questions week04 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MRKT discussion questions week04 - Research Paper Example In low involvement product, differences in segmentation were not that evident and often ignored. The reason I can surmise why segmentation is more evident in high involvement product than low involvement product was that high involvement product takes so much resources and time from the consumer that segmentation becomes significant. For example, in the respondents whom I asked for their considerations before buying the car, the interviewees really made a careful thought before buying the car. Considerations like fuel consumption, maintenance, up front cost, performance, comparison with other cars, etc. were considered before buying the car if indeed it was a real value for their money. Here, cars that were positioned in the lower to middle segment in the market caught their attention. High end cars with exorbitant price tags were automatically struck off from their list. Therefore, the segmentation of the market in terms of price worked for my respondents even if they belong to uppe r middle class income bracket who could afford more expensive cars. To validate my initial assumption about segmentation, I asked a respondent why he is zeroing in on value cars and not the flashy cars which men typically like. He replied that he used to like but learned how to be frugal after the financial crisis because, as he said, â€Å"you never know, you might lose your job tomorrow.† He said that he has to be practical these days especially in high ticket items that will be purchased because of the uncertainty of the economy. Moreover, the money he saved from buying to value cars instead of the more expensive ones will go to his savings as a â€Å"buffer† during uncertainties. Comparing the car purchase with low involvement product, most of the respondents did not give much thought about the purchase and just put the product in their grocery baskets everytime they shop (the item I asked for low involvment product was shampoo). I asked them why and they replied t hat they are used to their brands already and they will only consider other brands if it is not available. I asked if price or other factors influence their buying behavior and they responded that only if it is very significant. But if it just within the price range of a regular shampoo, they do not mind slight difference. Perhaps this is more applicable to the segmentation of gender because the female respondents (two of them) were emphatic in having their particular brands due to reason that it â€Å"suits them† while the men were not that conscious about their shampoo and just pick up the same brand of shampoo out of familiarity but would not mind using another brand. 2. How would the marketing differ for the different segments you identify? High involvement products are high stake purchase for the consumers and they really take the time before making the purchase. As such, high involvement products are very conscious to position themselves according to the considerations of their target market. For example, in the car industry manufacturers that target the low to middle market astutely emphasize values in their products such as fuel efficiency, mileage, reliability and price. The reason for this positioning is that their market is price sensitive and they have to communicate and package themselves as the best value for their money. In the high end cars, they observably emphasize style, comfort and image to appeal to their market

Operations Management in Kristens Cooki Company Assignment

Operations Management in Kristens Cooki Company - Assignment Example Thus, one batch of cookies takes 26 minutes. If the order has been placed for 2 dozen (2 batches) of cookies, it will take an additional 9 minutes. This is because while the first batch is baking, the first student would spoon the prepared mix into a second tray, ready to bake. With thermostat and timer already in place, the second batch will require 9 minutes to bake + 5 minutes to cool + 2 minutes to pack in a box. Payment for two dozen cookies will be accepted in the same1 minute as an order for only one dozen cookies (already accounted for). However, the time taken for the two batches overlap. Hence, to make a total of two batches, for the second batch, 2 minutes out of 9 minutes of baking time will be left after the 1st batch is packed and ready. Thus 2 minutes baking time + 5 minutes cooling + 2 minutes packing takes an additional 9 minutes after the first batch is packed and ready. Therefore, the total time required to fill a rush order for 2 dozen cookies would be 35 minutes. To fill an order for three dozen cookies, the tray in which the mix is spooned in to make 12 cookies, will be ready to bake while the second batch is getting baked. Once the second batch is taken out of the oven, the third batch will be placed inside for baking. It will take only 9 minutes for baking because of timer and thermostat already set. Thus 9 minutes baking time + 5 minutes cooling time + 2 minutes packing time takes a total of 16 minutes. Payment time of 1 minute is already accounted for. However, the time taken for the three batches overlap. Hence, to make a total of three batches, for the third batch, 2 minutes of baking time will be left out of the 9 minutes for baking, after the 2nd batch is packed and ready. Thus 2 minutes baking time + 5 minutes cooling + 2 minutes packing takes an additional 9 minutes after the second  batch is packed and ready. Thus, 44 minutes total will be required to fill an order for 3 dozen cookies.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

FBI Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

FBI - Coursework Example In the context of the Reform Era, it is warranted to argue that there was a dire need by the government to institute measures that would deal with crime in the country. In response, the government undertook an initiative to hire detectives to investigate criminal issues in the country. The Reform Era was characterized by absolute reliance and dependence on the criminal detectives. For reforms to be attained, in the country there was a dire need to institute federal dexterity of crimes in the U.S.A. It is this move, which led to the dawn of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that investigated all manners of crimes ranging from banking, land disputes, fraud amongst other federal crimes. The early 1990s in the U.S.A have been described by many analysts as years of lawlessness that needed reforms through criminal investigation bureau. With the creation of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Edgar Hoover is credited for his endless contribution into making the Bureau successful. Hoover is recognized for his ability to direct the Bureau since its early stages of operation. Studies indicate that Edgar Hoover has been dedicated to the Bureau since 1917, and managed to escalate to the position of assistant director at the tender age of twenty six years. Seven years later, Edgar Hoover became the director of the Bureau. During his tenure, he was able to improve the manner in which his staff was operating whilst conducting various errands in the Bureau. Hoover spent a great deal of his time recruiting the best personnel to perform roles in the Bureau. In the year, 1926, Hoover managed to come up with the greatest finger print file the world has ever witnessed. Hoover is also credited for his ability to push for reforms in the Bureau by championing permit to carry guns by the Bureau’s agents. This is an interpretation of the permit to the

Summary and Personal Opinion on Peter Lynch and John Rothchild Learn Essay

Summary and Personal Opinion on Peter Lynch and John Rothchild Learn to Earn - Essay Example economics, mathematics and literature, but are not taught the roles that innovations and companies have played. "Every school child learns (only about) how the pilgrims risked their lives to find religious freedomin a tiny ship The Mayflower" (page 25) Following the 'Preface' and the 'Introduction' are the main chapters. Chapter One traces the history of capitalism. "For much of human history capitalism was an alien concept, for the bulk of the world's population never got their hands on money" (pg 21). We find how stocks got started in Europe centuries ago. We also learn how, more than a hundred years ago, Europeans invested in the then emerging market: The United States. "While optimists paid higher and higher prices for the shares of the Dutch East India Companypessimists bet against the stock through a clever maneuver called shorting". The optimists proved right and made unimaginable profits. Alexander Hamilton, father of the financial system, realized that the country couldn't get along without money, and to have money, it needed banks. Adam Smith understood the basics of how a free market works. Whenever there's a demand for a new product, competitiveness enters the scene. This competition is very good for all consumers, bec ause it forces the product makers to improve their product and cut prices. Without competition, complacency would set in. History of capitalism also speaks about the American economy which alternately moves from ecstasy to panic and back again. "In the euphoric periods, when prices were rising and jobs were plentiful, speculators would spend their last paycheck, hock their jewelry, go into debt, do anything to buy stocks, or bonds, or land, and get in on the action. Then, in the panics, collapses, and depressions, the speculators got their come uppance and people sobered up". We have seen many such stock market crashes in the great depression of 1853 and again in 1857, 1929, 1973, 1981 and 1987. One interesting description here is about what Lynch terms the robber barons. The robber barons were not robbers or lawbreakers in the traditional sense. They were high-end speculators, who struggled, connived, and strong-armed their way to the top of American industry. When you are an owner of a company, you only make money if the company succeeds. This is the risk of buying stocks: The Company you own may turn out to be worthless. It is for tacking this risk that people are rewarded so handsomely if they pick the right companies to invest in. This is also the most humorous chapter in the bookAfter an elaborate first chapter, Chapter Two covers the basics of investing. The discussion here is mostly intended for people who can invest money for a long time. The basic points here are that you should start invest early, and that stocks are the best performers among various investment options. Lynch proves how investors and corporations are true heroes of our great American Republic. Chapter Three outlines the lives of a company. It helps the investor to begin to think like the owner of a company. Chapter Four tells the stories of many companies which he calls the invisible hands. The Invisible Hand keeps the supply and demand of everything from bubblegum to bowling

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

FBI Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

FBI - Coursework Example In the context of the Reform Era, it is warranted to argue that there was a dire need by the government to institute measures that would deal with crime in the country. In response, the government undertook an initiative to hire detectives to investigate criminal issues in the country. The Reform Era was characterized by absolute reliance and dependence on the criminal detectives. For reforms to be attained, in the country there was a dire need to institute federal dexterity of crimes in the U.S.A. It is this move, which led to the dawn of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that investigated all manners of crimes ranging from banking, land disputes, fraud amongst other federal crimes. The early 1990s in the U.S.A have been described by many analysts as years of lawlessness that needed reforms through criminal investigation bureau. With the creation of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Edgar Hoover is credited for his endless contribution into making the Bureau successful. Hoover is recognized for his ability to direct the Bureau since its early stages of operation. Studies indicate that Edgar Hoover has been dedicated to the Bureau since 1917, and managed to escalate to the position of assistant director at the tender age of twenty six years. Seven years later, Edgar Hoover became the director of the Bureau. During his tenure, he was able to improve the manner in which his staff was operating whilst conducting various errands in the Bureau. Hoover spent a great deal of his time recruiting the best personnel to perform roles in the Bureau. In the year, 1926, Hoover managed to come up with the greatest finger print file the world has ever witnessed. Hoover is also credited for his ability to push for reforms in the Bureau by championing permit to carry guns by the Bureau’s agents. This is an interpretation of the permit to the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Colonialism in 1880-1900 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Colonialism in 1880-1900 - Essay Example According to the study the end of the slave trade was an additional main controlling feature towards colonialism. Even though the trade of humans was â€Å"legislated against, many of the Africans and Arabs continued the practice, particularly inland, where the European influence was less concentrated''. Those Europeans dedicated to eliminating this practice were compelled to stay at these internal places with the intention of taking direct as well as instant action. Obviously, slavery was a profitable trade and its elimination meant that substitute trade and business required to be started all over Africa. Therefore, colonialists as well came into the continent to discover different trading means, types of transportation and additional resources. They were required to teach the neighboring societies regarding commercial growth with the intention of maximizing the productivity of the countries. During the colonial phase, the perception of particular indigenous people in the African continent attained broader recognition, even though not without debate. From this paper it is clear that the extremely diverse and abundant ethnic groups, which consisted of most contemporary, self-governing African states, had within them different individuals whose condition, civilizations and pastoralist or huntsman life wee usually marginalized and set separately from the leading political as well as financial structures of the country. From the last part of 20th century, these people have increasingly wanted identification of their constitutional rights as separate indigenous people, within both nationwide and worldwide perspectives. Given the widespread and complex account of human immigration inside Africa, being the earliest people within a territory is not a required condition for recognition as an indigenous people. To a certain extent, indigenous uniqueness communicates more to a set of attributes and practices than ‘priority of arrival’. For instance, quite a lot of populations of nomadic people occupy regions within which they a rrived somewhat lately. Their declaration to indigenous standing is founded on their marginalization as nomadic people in regions and countries ruled by inactive farming people. Early African reaction to European invasion into Africa during the last part of 19th century was not standardized. A small number of groups that had experienced long-term combat or slave raiding provided a doubtful welcome to European existence within their constituencies in anticipation that there would be harmony. Other groups vigorously opposed the arrival of European political power. On the other hand, a number of people had no initial response towards colonialism. This was due to the fact that the early years’ colonialism had slight impact on the lives of several rural African people. These circumstances transformed as the impact of colonialism became more extensive as well as deep during the mid of the 20th century. By the last part of World War I, the majority of Africa had been successfully co lonized. European colonialists had managed to control the attempts by Africans to defend against the organization of colonial regulation. The subsequent two decades were known as the inter war years by historians and was somewhat calm within colonial Africa.

Doctor Who vs. Back to the Future Essay Example for Free

Doctor Who vs. Back to the Future Essay People always love a good science fiction film or show, because even though it can have the same basic idea, they can be completely different. Doctor Who and Back to the Future are two of the world’s most beloved franchises, however, even though they are both based on time travel, they completely different but have some key similarities. Both of these franchises have a basis of time travel. Doctor Who is about an all-knowing alien named The Doctor, who travels through time and space in his time machine called the TARDIS. He is normally accompanied by a friend or a companion that he picks up along his travels. With Back to the Future, it revolves around a seventeen-year old kid named Marty McFly who, after crazy circumstances, winds up taking the time machine his best friend, Doc Brown or Doc, had invented. Marty is accompanied by Doc from different points in Doc’s time line. The extent of time travel is different for these franchises. Time is one of the most complicated ideas in all of history. When it comes to the time travel perspective Doctor Who is much more complicated than the simple Back to the Future model of time travel. In Back to the Future, Marty accidentally goes back in time and stops his parents from ever meeting. Throughout the movie he tries to get his parents to fall in love. When he begins to fail at getting them to fall in love, he starts to fade away. This idea seems to be pretty straightforward. However, you need to take into account the fact if Marty was never born how did he travel back and stop them from meeting. In Doctor Who it goes much more in-depth and time travel gets more difficult to understand. If the Doctor was faced with the same situation as Marty, a paradox would occur and he would have been from a different time stream where his parents got married, and he wouldn’t have faded away. One of the most immense trademarks that define these franchises is the characters. The trademark characters define this genre of film. The Doctor is an alien from the planet Gallifray, who has been traveling for about 900 years. Marty, is a teenager who gets thrown into a time travel with no foreknowledge about the subject. Marty is a naive teenager who doesn’t know the first thing about time travel, whereas the Doctor knows all about time travel, history, science and, most importantly, what not to mess with. Even though they don’t share the same knowledge, their personalities have some similarities. They both show bravery when needed and are willing to rip through time just to help someone dear to them. However, what shines the most about these two characters are their flaws. Whenever someone calls Marty a chicken, he loses all control of himself and does whatever he can to prove he isn’t. The Doctor, on the other hand, has a dark side. If someone breaks the Doctor enough, who is already damaged, he will show no mercy, and that is the scariest thing about him. Even though no one likes them, the antagonist of each franchise is just as important as the protagonist. In Back to the Future the antagonist is Biff Tannen. Biff Tannen bullied Marty’s dad as a kid and continues to bully him into adulthood. With Doctor Who the main antagonist, among many, are the Daleks. They are a robotic alien race that wants nothing more than to destroy anything that isn’t Dalek and will do anything to survive. Both of these enemies only care about can benefit themselves. Neither of them cares if they hurt anyone, or the disaster they can cause in their quest for power or wealth. The Daleks, however, aren’t the same as Biff. The Daleks are very loyal to their own race, whereas Biff isn’t loyal to anyone. In Back to the Future Biff is thought of as a pain that Marty has to deal with whereas when the Doctor has to deal with the Daleks, he is frightened. The Daleks are pure hate and have no sympathy. Biff is a human being so therefore he does have humanity somewhere in him. The science fiction genre is one of the most celebrated genres in all of history. It is so vast and so loved by many. Even though there are so much science fiction, even though some have the same basic idea, they can be so different with a few key things in common that makes it spectacular. Doctor Who and Back to the Future are two enchanting franchises in their own ways, even with both of them revolving around time travel.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Oligopoly Market Conditions

Oligopoly Market Conditions Oligopoly is such a market situation wherein the number of sellers is few and the numbers of buyer are many. That is unlike the monopolistic competition the seller are not one but at least two and could range up to ten. This is because of the following reasons. Heavy input costs of producing the product making it difficult for every firm to make investments. Entry barriers made by the bigger firms in the form of government regulations, price competition, brand setting and other pressure tactics. The method of production requires specialization which is not available with other firms. Product enjoys monopoly in the market. Thus the above mentioned few reasons can become the cause of set up of an oligopoly market. Number of sellers and buyers in oligopoly: Now Oligopoly, as mentioned above can have from two to tens suppliers, rather than one in the case of monopoly market. Thus they together become the price setters instead of price takers. Any rise in price will benefit the rise in sales of other company products that may be similar or differentiated. Reason being the other companies wont follow in rising their product prices as they would be expecting an increase in sales. On the other side, any fall in price will not help gain many customers, as the other companies will respond in a similar pattern and the result will be price war. Thus declining the price level would not help gain as many customers as expected. Price Equilibrium in Oligopoly: An equilibrium condition is when the prices remain unstable and the supply remains same. To increase the demand of the products and meet the competition of other products in the market, these firms indulge in heavy advertising campaigns. Through advertisements they teach the customers about the new feature that is added in their product and various other benefits of using their product. This sometimes results in putting stains on the other companys product in indirect words. Examples of Oligopoly: A number of examples of Oligopoly market situation can be figured out around us. These are explained as follows. PepsiCo and Coca Cola Co. are the two market leader and sellers of soft drinks around the world. Thus two numbers of firms selling to large number of buyers makes it an Oligopoly market. Furthermore these companies are always making heavy investments on advertisements around the globe. Some of the advertisements may be meant to harm the brand image of other. The result in another advertisement in response. Sometimes these matters are even taken to courts for settlement. Boeing and Airbus are another two large companies that makes planes to foster the need of various countries. Again these are two companies, which are the sign of Oligopoly market conditions. These companies although do not make much advertisements, but offers latest techniques at competitive prices by making product differentiation and attracting customers around the globe. OPEC includes a few numbers of sellers of petroleum product throughout the world. As the number of seller is not two but not many either. The numbers of buyers are large, including countries in Asia, Africa, Europe etc. Diagrammatic representation of Oligopoly: As we know that in the Oligopoly is a market where in the number of seller are more than two but not higher in number, whereas the buyers are many. Moreover the price rise results in benefitting the other companys product sales. And on the other hand the price fall results in attracting only a few customers. This type of market conditions can be displayed as follows. From the above diagram its clear that this diagram is very similar to monopoly market situation. But the difference is this type of condition remains for a definite price period. That is if any firm try to raise its prices from Pc to Po the result would be benefit to other firms. Whereas if a firm try to reduce its product prices than that would not foster him more customers than expected. The result would be affecting the profit margins. Thus a Cooperative Oligopoly price level is administered where in all the companies agree to follow a minimum price levels to earn good profits. Any displacement from the agreed price would affect the changer or so called the Cheater, either by fall in demand or fall in profits. Thus a Nash Equilibrium point can be accepted by all the companies in the Oligopoly where in all the companies earn good profits at the present output and price levels. Features of Oligopoly: Now we can conclude the features of the Oligopoly market conditions. These are as follows. Few producers or sellers and high numbers of buyers. Product differentiation is up to some level or no product differentiation. The firms enjoy normal profits in normal market conditions. The firms depend on advertisements, quality rivalry and generally accepted by the group of firms. Economies of scale will exist, as heavy investment and improved technology is needed to get similar quality output at the competitive costs. New firms cannot enter the market, as the old firms create a barrier through government restrictions, heavy investments, pressure techniques like takeover of the uprising company. Swift action is taken on the change in price level and defaming advertising campaign by according price change and responsive advertisements. Conclusion: In the nutshell we can say that the Oligopoly market situation is very similar to Monopoly market situation but with more than one number of seller up to limit extent. The pricing is done by proper agreement between the firms. The product differentiation may or may not present. The firms spend heavy on the advertising campaign and keep a close look at the advertising of other companies and response accordingly. The firms earn normal profits but input barriers on the new entrants.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Textile Industry Trends in the Global Economy Essay -- Economics Techn

Textile Industry Trends in the Global Economy I. Executive Summary The objective of this paper is to examine how the development of a textile industry contributes to economic growth in the global economy. Because textile manufacturing is a labor-intensive industry, developing countries are able to utilize their labor surplus to enter the market and begin the process of building an industrial economy. Emerging economies then look outward to develop an export strategy based on their comparative advantage in labor costs. Textile production and consumption is an increasingly global affair as production continues to shift to developing countries. Developing countries have seen an explosion in the growth of their textile exports, and for many countries textiles are a significant portion of their total exports. In response to increasing competition from low-value imports from developing countries, industry leaders in developed countries have made significant capital investments in order to increase productivity and move into advanced market sectors. There are several trade agreements in place that impact world textile trade. The African Growth and Opportunities Act, Andean Trade Preference Act, and Trade Promotion Act are each designed to liberalize textile trade and provide equal market access to both developing and developed countries. Despite the potential economic and social benefits, the effectiveness of these trade policies is limited by special interest politics in the developed world. The presence of a political economy in developed countries can affect both the formation of and the adherence to international trade agreements; industry leaders can still appeal to the World Trade Organization or their Trade... ... as Kenya Plans More EPZs.† East African 22 April 2002. 10 October 2002 Tomkin, Robert. Trade Promotion Authority: CQ House Action Report. July 26, 2002. â€Å"Trade with Sub-Saharan Africa† Export America. December 2001. U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, The U.S. Textile and Apparel Industry: A Revolution in Progress–Special Report, OTA-TET-332 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, April 1987). Yang, Yongzheng. â€Å"China’s Textile and Clothing Exports: Changing International Comparative Advantage and its Policy Implications.† Asia Pacific Press, 1999. [link no longer working]

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Importance of Individuality in John Knowles A Separate Peace :: Separate Peace Essays

The Importance of Individuality in John Knowles' A Separate Peace "There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion. It is harder because you will always find those who think they know what is your duty better than you know it. It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude." (Ralph Waldo Emerson) A Separate Peace (1959) written by John Knowles, expresses the true struggle to respect ones individuality. In 1942 at a private school in New Hampshire Gene Forrester became good friends with his roommate, Finny. He envies Finny for his great Athletic ability. In spite of the envy, Gene and Finny do everything together and one day for fun they decide to jump out of a tree into the river. After that they form the Super Suicide Society, the first time t hey jumped being their reason for formation. During one of their meetings they decide to jump off at the same time. When they get up on the limb Gene bounces it and Finny falls on the bank. He shatters the bones in his leg and will never again play sports. Nobody realizes that Gene deliberately made Finny lose his balance. Because of the accident Gene does not play sports either and continues being friends with Finny. One night, some of the other guys from Devon School woke Gene and Finny up in the middle of the night. They are suspicious of the "accident." They conduct a trial to blame Gene for what has happened to Finny. Eventually Finny gets upset in the midst of argument and runs out. He ends up tripping and falling down the stairs, and breaking his healed leg allover again. It was a cleaner break this time but they still have to set it. Gene confesses to Finny that he bounced him out of the tree. While setting the break there are complications and Finny dies. Gene learns that h e is his own person and now that Finny is gone he can finally be content with himself. In the beginning Gene feels inferior to Finny.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Triple Bottom Lines And Its Different Representations Environmental Sciences Essay

Triple Bottom Lines is a doctrine or manner of believing about sustainability, akin to the construct of corporate societal duty, it has become merely a mechanism for accounting and coverage. Triple bottom lines is frequently championed by people who have small apprehension of what the societal entails although it is meant to add societal and environment to the equation ( Frank Vanclay in his publication for University of Tasmania ) . The ternary bottom line is diversely described as: societal, environmental and economic public presentation ; The Triple Bottom Line ( TBL ) is a construct that has received official sanction as a model for promoting institutional concern about sustainability ( quoted by Frank Vanclay in his publication on Triple Bottom Lines construct for University of Tasmania ) . The ternary bottom line is made up of societal, economic and environmental the people, planet, net income phrase was coined for Shell by SustainAbility, influenced by twentieth century urbanist Patrick Geddes ‘s impression of common people, work and topographic point. Peoples, planet and net income compactly describes the ternary underside lines and the end of sustainability ( Wikipedia ) .Sutherland Shire Council attack to TBL – Local Government Sector.Beginning: respects itself as a Triple Bottom Line ( TBL ) administration. The Council ‘s way is to prosecute sustainability across economic, societal and environmental considerations and they address these issues on a twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours footing in the deliberate actions, undertakings and plans that are portion of our concern. However, the council recognise that there are unintended environmental, societal and economic impactsA or ‘by merchandises ‘ of the work that they do. Some illustrations include:Actions, Undertakings and ProgramsPositive ImpactsNegative ImpactsProvision and care of Parkss, featuring and community installations Encourages healthy and active life style Playing Fieldss require irrigating to keep grass Installation of Gross Pollution Traps ( GPTs ) Cleaner stormwater run-off which means healthier waterways, beaches and wetlands Waste and environmental impact of edifice plants In my sentiment, the Council has aspiration to accomplish sustainability through ternary underside lines attack, but it fails to understand the demand of future demands that was represented as negative impact. Although H2O for the parklands, drama countries, play evidences, etc. is a turning concern but, there are state of affairss where councils have managed to guarantee minimal lacrimation to these countries through waste H2O intervention workss, desalinization workss, etc. for e.g. Adelaide metropolis has managed irrigating to its parklands by constructing WWTP works and grapevine undertakings. Therefore, I do non hold that this is a negative impact due to execution of sustainability through ternary bottom attack.The Sustainability Challenge undertaking with Triple Bottom Lines concept/approach by the â€Å" Irrigation Futures † – Irrigation Industry.Beginning: As per Irrigation Futures, the undertaking is to understand what sustainability is for irrigation communities around Australia. They understand that this is a response to community demands now of irrigation industries to non merely better environmental public presentation but to show accomplishment through validated and accepted public presentation steps. Besides, to what I agree, their vision is an irrigation industry that applies triple-bottom-line coverage for uninterrupted betterment and enhanced sustainability. I understand that ternary bottom line attack in irrigation industry can accomplish long term success by keeping balance in its public presentation and carry throughing community necessities that is non limited to rural but besides urban countries.Triple Bottom Lines construct from the Sustainable Homes.Beginning: The Smart and Sustainable Homes plan sets out to demystify the significance of sustainable lodging, which is about making appropriate lodging design for our local clime and environmental scene, the varied life state of affairss we are likely to confront and our budget. Sustainable Homes define sustainable lodging as: Planning, planing and edifice homes to do them more socially, environmentally and economically responsible. Practically, this means they are more comfy, livable, low-cost, accessible, antiphonal, healthier and cost effectual to populate in over the medium to long-run. I partly agree with the Sustainable Homes on the construct of constructing sustainable places. I observe it is of import to construct places that are sustainable, but it became mindfully hard to construct such places due to impact of the Global Financial Crisis. From many studies conducted by Real Estate communities it was noticed that the bargain rate of sustainable places has been decreased.DISCUSS THE PRINCIPLES OF TRIPLE BOTTOM LINES, AND HOW THEY ARE REFLECTED IN THE GENERAL CONCEPT AND ITS DIFFERENT REPRESENTATIONS IN MORE Specific TERMS.In my position, the on-going procedure of pull offing economic, environment and societal constituents of an administration non restricting to the community countries, preserve heritage, honest net income system, etc. to accomplish sustainability is the chief rule. The rules of Triple Bottom Lines are aimed to accomplish sustainability non compromising the elements of ternary underside lines, sustainable concerns aimed to accomplish economic prosperity and non compromising equity among community groups and the quality of environment. Besides, it is regarded that TBL is a better tool for describing sustainability and corporations will acknowledge issues, foresee and differentiate community concerns by affecting with community groups and non-government administrations. Social rules that can keep equity among community groups, just intervention to the community groups, reinvestment of net incomes in the community groups through charity / undertakings for common good and suiting all ages of community groups. Economic rules that guarantee honest net income system, concerns following with the societal and environment sustainability and mitigate costs by utilizing energy efficient materials/appliances. Environment rules that control on natural stuffs use in edifice & A ; building from abroad, educate and promote recycling of stuffs, cut down the impact on environment by pull offing emanations and manage production of toxic points.DISCCUSS THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TRIPLE BOTTOM LINES AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT.As defined in the class notes, the indexs of sustainability are fundamentally related to economic, environmental and societal, by and large known as the three-base hit underside lines. However in corporate sectors, Triple underside line is an amalgam of fiscal consequences and an appraisal of the societal and environmental impacts of a concern or merely People, Planet and Profits ( Rodger Hill of KPMG ) . The by and large accepted definition of sustainable development came from the Brundtland study ( WCED, 1987 ) : ‘development that meets the demands of the present without compromising the ability of future coevalss to run into their ain demands ‘ . The Triple Bottom Lines i.e. economic, environment and societal are the indexs of Sustainable Development. Whereas, the sustainable development is defined with the cardinal subjects such as earth resources, biodiversity, future coevals, betterment in quality of life, equity between different groups of people, balance between viing ends i.e. economic, environment and societal, realization on mutuality within and between all communities, etc. In my position, ternary underside lines are about the impact that an administration / sector / industry is holding on the community to accomplish a sustainable development outlined by the community. Triple Bottom Line attack is one of the cardinal rules in Sustainable Development with other rules such as Humility rule, precautional rule and reversibility rule along with Inter and intra-generation equity, Precautionary rule and Conservation of biodiversity that are described in assorted intergovernmental understandings. TheA TBL can besides be used as a decision-making tool, by sketching in progress the environmental, societal and economic impacts of a undertaking and measuring the undertaking on all these positions before make up one's minding to travel in front to accomplish sustainable development ( Sutherland Shire Council, NSW ) . Impact Assessment and the Triple Bottom Line is sustainable development, sustainable environment, sustainable communities, impact on society, the environment, and economic sustainability, economic, environmental and societal sustainability, economic prosperity, environmental quality, and societal justness, economic growing, ecological balance and societal advancement, economic growing, societal advancement and environmental wellness, economic system, environment, equity, net income, people, planet ( or planet, people, net income ) ( paraphrase – ) .DISCUSS THE APPLICATION OF TRIPLE BOTTOM LINES TO SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION.The ternary bottom line construct of sustainability is achieved through the application of smart design rules at the early phases of planning and building the place. Making these determinations upfront translates to multiple benefits for residents by making a place that is safer, more secure, flexible, comfy, environmentally-friendly and cost-effective over clip ( ) . A sustainable place expressions like a normal house, but is designed and constructed to include the rules of sustainable design which attempts to equilibrate societal, environmental and economic considerations ( ) .EnvironmentalI agree that the environmentally sustainable places designed with resource proficiency constituents like H2O, energy and waste including solar design characteristics like building methodological analysis, airing, shadowing, insularity, dual glazed Windowss, orientation, edifice stuffs, etc. Resource efficiency equates to lifestyle benefits for occupants in footings of improved thermic comfort ( societal sustainability ) and decreased running costs for the place ( economic sustainability ) ( ) . Building and building that are designed affecting natural and environmental jeopardies are more sustainable get bying with natural catastrophes, catastrophes, etc. cut downing the economic and human loss. Design shall besides run into the criterions for CO2 emanations and nursery gas emanations. Furthermore the major environmental issues due to building are defined as planetary heating and inauspicious clime alteration, air pollution, H2O pollution, risky stuffs, planning, land usage and preservation, nursery gas emanation, etc. Environmental deductions of disposing of building waste can include depletion of natural resources and wastage of energy required to bring forth stuffs. The chief type of waste is soil rubble, followed by concrete-based masonry and clay-based wastes such as bricks and tile that have greater impact than others. For illustration, gypsum plasterboard disposed off in landfill produces toxicant H sulfide ( -AGO 2002d ) .EconomicAppreciated design features including ingestion and production forms of energy, stuffs, waste direction and conveyance are cardinal in bring forthing an economical sustainable building. In my sentiment, inclusion of modular design, high energy rated contraptions such as H2O heating systems based on solar/power, infrigidation, air-conditioning, contraptions, etc. will cut down running costs of edifices. I do non hold with the use of some low quality local merchandises including edifice stuffs, mechanical and electrical fixtures & A ; adjustments, low energy rated contraptions, etc. that may cut down costs ab initio and during building but will increase the care costs of edifices. But, incorporation of long life span stuffs that can understate care costs can be a solution. To maximize economic system in building and cut down the impact of environmental jeopardies the sum of waste shall be managed by thorough appraisal and identifying stuffs that can be recycled wheresoever practical and economical. Materials intended for recycling are shall be collected individually in order to utilize them efficaciously. Use of recycled stuffs like concrete and bricks can be used for puting the impermanent roads to the site or even used as a difficult base for machineries like nomadic Cranes alternatively of dumping the stuffs into landfills. On many occasions, concrete and bricks are crushed into pieces and used as sums to fix howitzer, which is so used to put pavings and non-loading constructions.SocialIn my sentiment, places shall be designed with people in head and sing the demands such as safety, security, entree and design for a place that will carry through the demands for the present and the hereafter. Homes that are designed for people as a nucleus constituen t shall carry through demands of people at all phases of lives including impermanent demands. Homes that are easy adaptable to a diverse scope of people demands, safety and their comfort are universally designed. A pleasing aesthetic built environment will beef up dealingss with the occupants in the community leting safe societal and neighbourhood webs detering offense through inactive surveillance. Building and building affecting this method will reflect what we have built and what we value. It would be wise to hold balance in proportion of urban countries with poorness population to keep equity in community groups. Social demands such as wellness, instruction, resources, administration, etc. are maintained every bit harmonizing to the proportion of communities.Use A CASE ( OR CASES ) STUDY TO DEMONSTRATE HOW TO USE TRIPLE BOTTOM LINES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AS WELL AS SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION.Case survey for sustainable development and sustainable building utilizing ternary bottom lines.SOCIAL PERSPECTIVE – Addressing Local Needs on Eyre Peninsula( Case survey conducted by SA WATER ) Purpose: The long term handiness and security of drinkable H2O on Eyre Peninsula is an of import issue for the prosperity, economic system and quality of life of the communities on Eyre Peninsula. Analysis of societal sustainability: In response to prosecuting with the local communities on Eyre Peninsula to seek future solutions, SA Water is trialling a desalinization works near Port Lincoln, bring forthing drinkable H2O from brackish H2O sourced from the Tod River. The test commenced in January 2003 for an initial 6 month period. Detailed appraisals are being undertaken to measure the long term sustainability of ongoing usage of desalinization as a H2O intervention option. It can be observed that draging a desalinization works by SA Water aims to accomplish an economical and environmental attack towards the end sustainability. In measuring the viability for procuring long term H2O supply for the Eyre Peninsula communities, SA Water is actively undertaking community audience and elaborate environmental impact appraisals, including the quantification of sustainable outputs from the Tod River and environmental flows for the catchment ecosystem. Of equal importance, is measuring any possible impacts on the Marine environment, peculiarly given the value to the local economic system of the aquaculture and fishing industries. Surveies on environmental impacts including the apprehension of demands for community groups in the Eyre Peninsula stood the chief aim to accomplish societal sustainability. Achievement through societal attack: In chase of a solution which will run into economic, societal and environmental demands for the Eyre Peninsula community now and in the hereafter, SA Water undertook a Life Cycle Analysis of assorted H2O supply options. The bill of exchange study was received in June 2003 nevertheless, due to the subsequent project of extra related work, the concluding study is due December 2003. The analysis will seek to broaden and inform SA Water ‘s apprehension of all environmental impacts, in peculiar energy usage and environmental impacts of substructure. Decision: Jointly, this work will organize the footing for informing SA Water ‘s way in best helping the Eyre Peninsula community with positive solutions for the long term sustainability of their local H2O supply. From the above it is apparent that SA Water thrived to drag a desalinization works in the Eyre Peninsula to run into the Social demands. This grapevine undertaking with corporate analysis will non merely run into the local demands but besides pull offing the other two rules of ternary underside lines i.e. economic and environmental positions of the undertaking.ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVE – Public Private Partnerships & A ; Victor Harbor Wastewater Treatment Plant( Case survey conducted by SA WATER ) Purpose: The metropolis of Victor Harbor is served by a Wastewater Treatment Plant ( WWTP ) which was commissioned in 1972, and is approaching its rated capacity. Most of the treated Wastewater is discharged into the nearby Inman River. The intervention procedure is non designed for alimentary decrease and discharge of treated effluent is holding an inauspicious consequence on the river environment downstream of the works. Description: In polling future solutions through a community audience procedure, a clear penchant emerged for the resettlement of the effluent intervention works to a new site and for the new works to bring forth a high-quality treated effluent to understate impacts on the Inman River and optimise chances for reuse. As a consequence, in 2001 the Government announced that a intervention works utilizing membrane filtration Technology would be constructed at a new site remote from the town. Engineering invention with ternary underside attack has helped the resettlement of WWTP to relieve the impacts on the Inman River and better the status of H2O for reuse. Government besides approved that SA Water see securing the undertaking under a Build, Own, Operate and Transfer ( BOOT ) contract. Under a BOOT contract, which is consistent with Public Private Partnership ( PPP ) structures, the private sector is responsible for planing, building, runing and keeping substructure assets to present a service bundle. The contract specifies service bringing in end product footings instead than through a elaborate building specification, thereby leting range for invention and flexibleness. The contract normally entails private capital finance. Analysis of economic sustainability: Undertakings and such WWTP workss can function the community demands by affecting Public Private Partnership so that they are built to criterions following TBL attack and guaranting all party duty during bringing and operation of Plants. From an unfastened call for looks of involvement, four advocates were invited to tender in mid 2002, ensuing in the choice of United Utilities as preferable tenderer in February 2003. Formation of the Victor Harbor contract is consistent with PPP Guidelines of the Department of Treasury and Finance, including comparing of the stamp monetary value with a public sector comparator ( PSC ) . The PSC is the estimated cost of the undertaking in present value footings if SA Water were to ain and pull off the undertaking under the same hazard profile, conditions and public presentation demands as the BOOT contract. In the instance of the Victor Harbor undertaking, the contract solution outputs better value for money than an estimated undertaking solution for the tantamount inhouse service bringing and involves proficient invention and operational hazard that the private sector is capable of pull offing cost-effectively. Accomplishments with economic sustainability attack: The Victor Harbor WWTP undertaking is a PPP enterprise between SA Water and United Utilities, affecting building and operation of a new WWTP to function the community of Victor Harbor. Construction is scheduled to be carried out in 2004-05, for undertaking commissioning by mid 2005.United WaterOn 1 January 1996, United Water commenced a contract to pull off, run and keep SA Water ‘s metropolitan H2O and effluent systems under a fee-for-service agreement.Henry Walker EnvironmentalCommissioned in 1997, the Aldinga WWTP was a in private financed BOOT strategy works that was contracted for 25 old ages to the Henry Walker Environmental Group.Riverland WaterUnder a 25-year contract, established in 1996, Riverland Water was commissioned to run 10 H2O filtration workss on behalf of SA Water in regional South Australia. Operation of the workss was under a Build Own Operate Transfer ( BOOT ) strategy.Hydro TasmaniaIn 2001-02, SA Water entered into a joint venture with Hydro Tasmania to p ut in mini-hydro turbines on Adelaide ‘s H2O distribution system and gaining control renewable energy for usage by SA Water. Decision: Incorporation of Build, Own, Operate and Transfer ( BOOT ) contract which is consistent with Public Private Partnership ( PPP ) structures, SA Water finalised WWTP undertaking at Victor Harbour that is Economically sustainable / feasible by affecting all parties following with the ternary underside line position.ENVIRONMENTAL PERSPECTIVE – Pull offing Environmental Impacts & A ; the Clare Valley Water Supply Scheme( Case survey conducted by SA WATER ) Purpose: To provide filtered H2O to the Clare Valley townships of Watervale, Penwortham, Sevenhill, Leasingham and Mintaro under $ 34.8 million via the Morgan-Whyalla grapevine. It can be noted that this undertaking will present filtered H2O to the part that is environmentally sustainable as it will carry through the current demands and hereafter every bit good. Community needs: Residents of these towns have lobbied consecutive State authoritiess for decennaries, but a reticulated H2O supply was ne'er considered feasible. With support from agriculturists in the part for a system which would present H2O for irrigation every bit good as heightening security of supply to Yorke Peninsula, the State Government announced in 2002 the undertaking would travel in front. This determination will heighten the dealingss with community groups as the undertaking was long anticipated, but can function for long term. Provision of filtered H2O to these towns will supplement and assist conserve local H2O resources and hike touristry and urban development which is needed to back up economic growing in the part. Understanding the undertaking: The Clare Valley Water Supply Scheme demonstrates SA Water ‘s committedness to the proviso of high quality services consistent with sustainable regional development for South Australian communities. The strategy comprises about 83km of grapevine, 4 ML H2O storage armored combat vehicle at Trillians Hill, a supporter pump station near Clare and a new pump station near Mintaro. Water will be supplied from the River Murray to the Clare Valley part within the bing River Murray cap allotments, consistent with a cardinal aim of the National Water Reform Agenda to advance efficiency through traveling H2O to higher value users. Interaction with community groups / administrations: After audience with the Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation ( DWLBC ) , the Department for Environment and Heritage ( DEH ) and the Environment Protection Agency ( EPA ) , SA Water had a comprehensive environmental appraisal of the strategy carried out by an independent expert before building commenced. This appraisal indicated that the importing of River Murray H2O into the Clare Valley part for usage in irrigation can be managed to avoid possible inauspicious environmental effects. Further proficient probes are proposed to help in developing the direction regimes for apportioning imported H2O usage in each sub-catchment, to understate impacts on ecosystem wellness, land productiveness, H2O resources and downstream catchments. A series of community information yearss, Council briefings and stakeholder meetings were undertaken to explicate the possible environmental impacts of the strategy. Environmental appraisal through interaction with community, administrations, building spouses, heritage saving, etc. will assist to understand the undertaking sustainability. Achievement through ternary underside lines attack: To guarantee the on-going protection of local H2O resources in the Clare Valley, a monitoring plan has been prepared in concurrence with DWLBC. The bing land and surface H2O monitoring webs are being expanded, including the building of, and trying from, new monitoring Wellss and constitution of new surface H2O monitoring Stationss and in-stream biology monitoring along watercourses in the Clare Valley. With appropriate adaptative direction governments in topographic point, the Clare Valley Water Supply Scheme will supply valuable societal and economic benefits to occupants and agriculturists in an environmentally sustainable mode. Decision: SA Water achieved success in developing a reticulated H2O supply undertaking under $ 34.8 million strategy to convey filtered H2O to Clare Valley townships. This undertaking non merely has incorporated environmental sustainability but besides met the economic and societal elements of ternary underside lines by providing filtered H2O to the part and enhanced the urban development. To guarantee the ongoing and the future demands of environment sustainability, steps such as land H2O monitoring Wellss, new surface H2O monitoring Stationss and in-stream biology monitoring along watercourses were included in the undertaking.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

A Pen and A Paper: The Beauty of Life Essay

When can a person say that he or she finally learn what is life and what life offers? It is such a hard question and maybe not all people can answer it but when can we really give a proof that we were able to fulfill our mission in life? Life is a mystery and not all of the things happening in us have an explanation. Yes, maybe science can answer our question but can it lead us into understanding that life is a matter of taking choices and doing something worthy of our endeavors? One person’s life can be different to other and so it tells us that there are differences and one situation can be the same with hundred more all over the world. Thus, the power of a pen and a paper, magnificently performed its ultimate purpose, and it is to tell the whole world what it there in your world, no restrictions but just plain storytelling of something different or something common but made you who you are and changed the lives of many others. The perfect medium for intercultural communication that will unite several cultures from all over the world, literature is the key to understanding one’s roots and environment. Hidden Magic of Pen and Paper One of the best things in this life is the ability of the people to tell their own stories despite of it passing already. There are some things that can never be done again. However, through literature, we can go back to those days or we can simply learn about the great things in life, whether the story is sad or happy, in the end, we were able to give happiness in this life and we were able to share a piece of paper that holds down someone’s thought about everything in life. There could be several ways on how a person can share his or her thoughts, but a story that can last over a lifetime can be achieved when we decide to write down everything that we wanted to share to others. Although it is not the kind of medium that everyone can understand and everyone can learn on an instant, it is the medium that can be passed to several generations and can reach several nations. Traditional will always be more admired than what the present offers us. Perhaps we can simply say that as we use pen and paper in sharing magnificent stories about life and touching the lives of other people we do not know, we certainly understand that books, pen and paper have the ability to let other know about something associated with us. A Brave Thing It is indeed brave enough to hold an event that each and every one of the people around the world can participate into especially those who prefer to hold a paper and write down their thoughts. Not everyone can come out from their shell and simply let go of their creativity but some are good enough to take the risk. When you finally decided that in writing you can provide others help and enlightenment, then probably you can try to work on something that can help authors and others. Emirates Airline international festival of literature although is new was able to become successful and bring authors and fans together for a conversation, a debate, a dialogue which probably was a good part of the itinerarium. As the festival brings sixty-five authors and poets, they aimed to help others wherein poverty is one of the issues they have to tap. Organizing such events have deep reasons and the organizers were really intelligent to let something like this happened which will link other people from each other especially when we are talking about the boundaries of culture already. Although most of the participants came from one country to another which has different cultures and different environment, the festival served as a stepping stone towards uniting the field, the industry and the people who can understand that there should be no boundaries but the freedom to explain what they feel about. Although the festival seem to be a small gathering well, it is not and that the people have their own ways on how will understand what this festival wanted to convey. There are problems before the festival happened but because of the good intention of this event, it was not stopped and it was able to continue and perform its goal which is to bring writers together and also to bridge between cultures and differences.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Strategic Management of Amazon Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Strategic Management of Amazon - Research Paper Example ompanies in the Internet space), Adobe eBook Reader (with this collaboration Amazon beat a major advantage of its competitor, it is estimated that the e-book will be in a few years cheaper than a physical book, and it is already known that this new medium has created its own public, which wants to penetrate). By entering in the European market, it has broadened its customer database, it has compressed transport and distribution costs of orders and it has improved the levels of customer service, thus gaining a significant share of the global market. It expands its customer base to new markets in order to augment its profit margin (the structure exists - it has a powerful customer database - it introduces new products - it penetrates new Internet markets - it improves its profit margin). Amazon is very profitable. ... The decrease in profits was due to special customer promotions. Amazon locks-in the customer by offering him value through original - innovative value added services and it enhances continuously the content of its webpage. Amazon does not sell in the traditional way, it offers customized service. If indeed, we take account of the fact that the confidence-loyalty of Internet customers is for many analysts of a kind of utopia, it is understood immediately that the strategy of is revolutionary. The company has built a large capital value part of which is its strong name - brand in the Internet and with the experience that it has gained, it manages to exploit its reputation to attract both customers and partners - suppliers by concluding strong relations - partnerships with many competitive advantages and benefits. For the customers and the suppliers are simply two different groups of customers who Amazon undertakes to interconnect by providing them with incentives and transaction facilities. The company is essentially an info broker. The company is an undisputed player in the world of on line cooperation, offering a wide range of programs. Through the continuous provision of incentives, it has managed to succeed and achieve various alliances and syndication makes the company ubiquitous in the Internet and so its brand is strengthened. has managed to transform its product markets into an easy and pleasant procedure mainly due to the use of IT and its innovative applications (1-click Technology).The appropriate use of technology favors the increase in sales by essentially contributing to the lock-in of the customer. Communication with the customer is of even greater value through the logistics procedures of

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The American Red Cross Structure Research Proposal

The American Red Cross Structure - Research Proposal Example In 1859, Mr. Dunant witnessed a battle in Italy and was horrified to see how the wounded were left to die without help. Very rapidly he organized the villagers to recover the injured and took them to houses and church to provide them with the best help they could at the time. Most of them had little or no medical experience. From there on, Dunant devoted his work to train international relief groups that would go into aid the wounded in battlefields worldwide, both civilians and soldiers, who were victims of war, it is important to outline that Mr. Dunant required these organizations to work independently from any nation. Starting in 1863, two conferences played very important roles for the Red Cross organization. The first one in Geneva, Switzerland, outlined the principles of the Red Cross, and the second one, created the set of rules of how to treat the wounded on a battlefield and the conduct of war. Initially, twelve European Nations signed the Geneva Convention, today the Red C ross organization can work in war zones and battlefield worldwide, under the International Committee of the Red Cross. (Red Cross History. How the American Red Cross Works. In the United States, during the civil war, Clara Barton volunteered as a nurse to aid the wounded soldiers in the battlefield. She had no medical background since she was a former school teacher and later an office clerk. Her first-hand experience with the wounded inside the battlefield, made her realize that these soldiers needed professional care as soon as the battle ended, and later when the war was over, she created a system to track down missing soldiers and bring them together with their families. Later on, she made a trip to Europe where she learned about the Red Cross organization and its similarities to her efforts. She stayed in Europe and volunteered to work in European wars.Â