Monday, March 16, 2020

School Uniforms Essay

School Uniforms Essay School Uniforms Essay Should School Uniforms be in Public Schools? There has been a debate about children wearing uniforms in public schools. I am a parent of a child that wears a uniform to school. Picking out her clothes is so simple that she does it herself. My youngest daughter attends Sheffield Elementary School here in Lynchburg. She has no problem picking out her favorite jumper, white top, and favorite pair of shoes to start her day. All in all, there is not any fuss about â€Å"what to wear† in the mornings while she is getting ready. With that being said, I think it is a great thing that her school has a uniform policy. I think that all of our schools here in Lynchburg should take on this type of policy. I realize how easy it is getting my daughter ready for school verses my son. He has a slight dress code but nothing like the elementary school. My son goes to Heritage High School. They have a dress code versus a uniform policy. A dress code is a more laid back policy. It typically doesn’t require specific colors to wear. A uniform policy denotes exactly what a student is to wear to school at all times. Sheffield Elementary School has a uniform policy. They are to wear black, blue or kaki bottoms; shorts or pants for boys; shorts, pants, jumpers, skirts, skorts or capris for girls. As far as tops go; red, white, or blue polo’s and/or button up oxford style shirts are to be worn by both male and female students. Neither the shirts nor bottoms are allowed to have any visual logos on them unless they represent the school they are attending (Uniform Policy, LCS). In 2009, there was a school district in the Pocono Mountains, PA where the school superintendent made the decision to have a strict dress code that emulates a uniform. It improved the school tremendously. In fact within the first year of the new dress code program, the school had 1,000 less disciplinary referrals than the previous year (Bouselli). If our own schools would adopt an expanded policy similar to this one, I am sure there will be a decrease of the intolerable behavior in the schools within our community. By wearing uniforms there will be a decrease in bullying, minimize the evidence of gang involvement and reduce the violence that occurs by students being beat up over designer clothing (Fleming). Another huge point is for safety reasons (Fleming). In my own personal experience, when being part of a school field trip, students having the same color tops and bottoms on are great ways to find your group if you are ever separated. Students are more likely to have school spirit as well. This is also a great way to equalize each student (Fleming). Allentown, PA school districts will be enforcing a school uniform policy starting in the 2013/2014 school year (Esack). The assistant principal of Dieruff High School said that the majority of the freshman and sophomores that he questioned told him that they would prefer to have uniforms (Esack). When you have parents, students and faculty wanting to have a policy like this in place, then there will be a better balance to help improve the schools and its students. In the past, I had thought that having a uniform was ridiculous. I didn’t like the extra money I had to spend but, I have realized how wonderful it is. Like I stated earlier, picking out clothes for school is so simple, when you have a uniform there are no questions about what to wear. I can purchase some uniforms at a cheaper price but not one student knows where they came from. I have also come to realize that my daughter seems to make better grades while in this setting. My oldest daughter went to Sheffield and now attends Dunbar Middle School. She still makes good grades but, they were much better when she went to Sheffield. A study from a 1998 thesis at Ohio